TACTS Table Definitions

Last Update of this page: November 2, 1998

List of the Tables

There are nine tables in the TACTS Database.

Description of the Tables

Description of the Table Web

This table is used to hold some constants that are used in the generation of all web pages. This Table is updated using the Web Page Constants Form Tab. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Name Text 50 Name of the individual that author's the web pages
Email Text 50 Email Address of the individual that author's the web pages
Background Text 50 Name of the GIF file to use as the cards section background
MainPage Text 15 Name of the main card page html page
MainCCG Text 15 Name of the main CCG page html page
WebPath Text 50 This is the path to get to where the web pages are stored
ExcelLocation Text 50 This is the location (path) of the excel spreadsheet that contains the card data
KeyWords Memo Keywords Associated with All Card Sets
Introduction Memo Introduction section for the web pages. Used to define scroller text etc.
UpdateGeneratedDate Yes/No Indicates if the Last Generated Date should be changed for each card series
RegistrationNumber Text 50 Registration Number Based on Email ID. Mail Robert@corfman.com for registration number
PriorRegistration Yes/No Indicates if the Product Once Held Registration. This allows you to Exit the Application before it wipes out irreplaceable data.
CorfScrollerColor Text 6 The Hex Color Code used by default on the Introduction section for all card web pages
This table is not actually located in the base database. There is a secondary database that contains all the actual data that is not imported from excel. This is to facilitate the upgrade of queries, forms, and reports. The Main TACTS database can be overwritten, and the excel data reimported without wiping out the data driven customizations.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the information on the Web Page Constants Form Tab.

Description of the Table Manufacturer

This table is used to identify valid card companies, and hold the html information used to display this card company. It may or may not be a hypertext link to the card company. Usually is is a link if the card company has a home page. This Table is updated using the Card Company Maintenance Form. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Manufacturer ID Text 6 Holds the card Manufacturer ID to Match to the Card Series Table
Manufacturer Name Text 50 The Name of the Card Manufacturer
HTML Name Text 150 The HTML Code to use when displaying this vendor name on a web page
This table is not actually located in the base database. There is a secondary database that contains all the actual data that is not imported from excel. This is to facilitate the upgrade of queries, forms, and reports. The Main TACTS database can be overwritten, and the excel data reimported without wiping out the data driven customizations.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the information on the Card Company Maintenance Form.

Description of the Table CardSeries

This table is used to hold information on each card series. This Table is primarily updated using the Card Series Basic Information Form Tab, the Card Series Web Information Form Tab, and the Card Series CCG Form Tab. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Series id Text 10 The Abbreviated name for this series that may be used on some reports
Series Name Text 50 The Full name for this card series
Manufacturer Text 6 The Manufacturer of this card series
Released Text 12 The Release Date for this card series (actually the release year)
PageName Text 20 This is the name that will be associated with the HTML file for this card set
EqualQty Number (Byte) The quantity to subtract from each card quantity for reporting in HTML
EqualAlpha Number (Byte) This is the quantity to subtract from each card quantity for reporting in HTML for the Alpha card set in decipher's CCG
EqualBeta Number (Byte) This is the quantity to subtract from each card quantity for reporting in HTML for the Beta card set in decipher's CCG
ReportType Text 20 This indicates which report to use for reporting this card series out in HTML
SpreadSheet Text 30 This is the name of the spread sheet that contains the Excel data for this card series
WorkSheet Text 12 This is the name of the work sheet that contains the Excel data for this card series
IncludeAlpha Yes/No This determines if the Alpha Quantities are relevant on CCG Tables
IncludeBeta Yes/No This determines if the Beta Quantities are relevant on CCG Tables
IncludeRarity Yes/No This determines if the Rarity Column is included in this Series for the CCG tables
HeadingLimited Text 50 This is the heading to use on the column for limited card quantities
HeadingAlpha Text 50 This is the heading to use on the column for alpha card quantities
HeadingBeta Text 50 This is the heading to use on the column for beta card quantities
SpreadQuantity Number (byte) This will decrease the available down to zero if it is between zero and the spread qty (inclusive)
SpreadAlpha Number (byte) This will decrease the available for alpha series down to zero if it is between zero and the spread qty (inclusive)
SpreadBeta Number (byte) This will decrease the available for beta series down to zero if it is between zero and the spread qty (inclusive)
Keywords Memo This is key words which are associated with this set
Description Text (200) Introduction Paragraph for the Web Page Associated with this Card Series. This shouldn't include HTML.
Generated Date (Short) Date This Series Was Last Generated.
SetDetails Memo Details of the Set. This can include HTML Statement.
This table is not actually located in the base database. There is a secondary database that contains all the actual data that is not imported from excel. This is to facilitate the upgrade of queries, forms, and reports. The Main TACTS database can be overwritten, and the excel data reimported without wiping out the data driven customizations.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the information on the Card Series Basic Information Form Tab, the Card Series Web Information Form Tab, and the Card Series CCG Form Tab.

Description of the Table RelatedSeries

This table is used to relate two different card series. The relation is reflected in the web page by creating hyper links between the two pages. This Table is updated using the Card Series Web Information Form Tab. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Series ID Text 10 Holds the ID of the series that is currently being used
Related Series ID Text 10 Holds the target destination of the html link
Sequence Number (Byte) This is the sequence the link is to appear in on the series card web page
This table is not actually located in the base database. There is a secondary database that contains all the actual data that is not imported from excel. This is to facilitate the upgrade of queries, forms, and reports. The Main TACTS database can be overwritten, and the excel data reimported without wiping out the data driven customizations.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the information on the Card Series Web Information Form Tab.

Description of the Table ChaseTypes

This table is used to hold information on the chase sets available for each card series. This Table is updated using the Card Series Chase Types Form Tab. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Series ID Text 10 The Foreign key to the series table
Sequence Number (Integer) The order this section is displayed for the card series
Chase Title Text 50 The name of the section for this kind of chase card
Background Yes/No Flag indicating if there is a background color for the chase title
Color Text 10 The color to use for the background if applicable
RelatedCards Text 10 This is the key that will be used in a "like" clase to the card number
TypeColspan Number (Byte) This is the colspan used for this actual chase type heading
Format Text 1 This is the method used to display the cards (Horizontal or Vertical)
VerticalColspan Number (Byte) If the display method is vertical, This is the colspan value to use on the card title
NewTable Yes/No Set to Yes if the current table should be ended, and a new one started with this chase type
Adjustment Number (Byte) This is the quantity to adjust a chase series by if necessary
Spread Number (Byte) This is the quantity to reduce qty available to zero available for chase series
This table is not actually located in the base database. There is a secondary database that contains all the actual data that is not imported from excel. This is to facilitate the upgrade of queries, forms, and reports. The Main TACTS database can be overwritten, and the excel data reimported without wiping out the data driven customizations.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the information on the Card Series Chase Types Form Tab.

Description of the Table Cards

This table is used to hold card information in the database. This Table is usually updated from an excel spreadsheet. The information for each card series is imported separately using predefined update routines. TheColumns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Series ID Text The Foreign key to the series table
Sort Number The order these cards are displayed in the web page
CardNumber Text This is a unique identifier for each card within a card series
SubSeries Text This the subseries chase cards within a card series belong to
Qty Number This is the quantity on hand (or needed) for a given card
Subject Text This is the general category for a given card within a card series
Description Text This is a description for a card within a series.  If the card is in a vertically displayed chase series, this is the name of the card displayed on the web page
Rarity Text This identifies the rarity of a given card
This table is located in the base database. If the main TACTS database is overwritten to upgrade the queries, forms, and reports, this data will need to be reimported from the excel spread sheet.

Description of the Table CCG

This table is used to hold Customizable Card Game card information in the database. This Table is usually updated from an excel spreadsheet. The information for each card series is imported separately using predefined update routines. The Columns information for this table are:
Column Name Data Type Description
Set Text A currently unused field which will be used to link several card series together into a set. Applicable only to CCG Cards
Series ID Text The Foreign key to the series table
Qty Number This is the quantity on hand (or needed) for a given card
Subject Text This is the general category for a given card within a card series. The subject is displayed for CCG Cards.
Description Text This is a description for a card within a series. For CCG Cards, the name of the card is displayed on the web page
Rarity Text This identifies the rarity of a given card
BetaQty Number This is the beta quantity on hand (or needed) for a given card
AlphaQty Number This is the alpha quantity on hand (or needed) for a given card
This table is located in the base database. If the main TACTS database is overwritten to upgrade the queries, forms, and reports, this data will need to be reimported from the excel spread sheet.

Description of the Table CardsTemp

This table is used as a temporary holding place for data being imported from excel into the Cards Table. The columns should match the format of the Cards Table.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the Description of the Table Cards.

Description of the Table CCGTemp

This table is used as a temporary holding place for data being imported from excel into the CCG Table. The columns should match the format of the CCG Table.
For additional information on the fields in this table, see the Description of the Table CCG.
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